High Risk Pregnancy Toolkit

High Risk Pregnancy Toolkit

High Risk Pregnancy Toolkit

The High Risk Pregnancy Toolkit was designed to reduce maternal and infant mortality. It consists of a checklist, a waterproof pocket-sized booklet, and a dual function bag that when opened becomes a poster to facilitate training and group communication in primary care facilities and in the field when reaching out to pregnant women and their families. It also includes the Heart for 2 fetoscope, a battery-free device that supports the training of midwives and healthcare workers in finding and listening to fetal heartbeats to facilitate the timely referral of at-risk pregnancies. Pregnant women and their families also can listen to the fetal heartbeat to improve the experience of their healthcare visits. 

Designed by: Philips Design for International Committee of the Red Cross and Philips Foundation

Contact: [email protected] | http://www.philips.com/a-w/foundation/philips-foundation.html