RYOBI Garage Door Opener Module System

RYOBI Garage Door Opener Module System

RYOBI Garage Door Opener Module System

The Ryobi Garage Door Opener Module System is a smart garage hub that can be customized with modular accessories. The user experience can be controlled from any location using an app designed around garage life. The industrial design dramatically disrupts a stagnant category with a system of garage accessories that dock into place with one click. Task-specific accessories, such as a security camera, a wireless speaker, laser parking assist and an adjustable fan, are designed around real user needs.

Designed by: Ken Brazell, IDSA, Tac Ohi, IDSA, Eric Lagman, Jeremy Connell, Benjamin Thomas and Michael Preus of Techtronic Design for Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd.

Contact: [email protected] | www.ryobitools.com