John Skabardonis will guide participants through an interactive session, exploring some of the latest functional integration technologies:
The cool electronics we love have traditionally been made possible by electromechanical components which can be bulky, made of dissimilar materials and which have a significant carbon footprint.
Functional integration aims to transform these electromechanical components into thinner, lighter, more reliable and more environmentally friendly assemblies.
Seamless, curved, smart surfaces, previously considered simple enclosures which protected the electronics inside, can now incorporate buttons, switches and sliders, lighting for visual communication, or screens, which are hidden until needed.
In addition to this, infinite customization with regard to aesthetics and CMF is also integrated into these technologies.
These types of features, will allow future electronics & IoT devices to become intelligent, smaller and even more intuitive for users to interact with.
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<p><a href=”″>Miniature Redux</a> from <a href=”″>IDSA</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>