Reid Schlegel, IDSA | Industrial Designer, Smart Design
IDSA Student Chapter Vice President
IDSA Student Chapter President
Student Meritt Award Winner 2012
Reid Schlegel is currently an industrial designer in Smart Design’s New York City office. At Smart Design Reid has designed extensively for OXO along with other clients and has added to and honed his design skills. Before Smart Design Reid worked for HS Design and However none of this would have been possible without Virginia Tech’s Industrial Design program. As a student at Virginia Tech, Reid was the president and vice president of the IDSA student chapter, received an honorable mention in the 2010 IDEA awards and won the IDSA Student Merit Award. Reid loves how design can be used as a force for good and has an inner passion for humanitarian projects. During his time at Virginia Tech Reid was most proud of his group project Vole shoes, which Eastman Chemical highlighted in their Innovation Lab.