Linda Bui

3D Artist, Logitech Linda Bui is a multidisciplinary designer based in Chicago. She is currently a 3D Artist at Logitech. She holds a degree in industrial design from the University of Illinois at Chicago and has worked for multiple product development consultancies on a broad range of consumer products including power tools, medical devices, and everyday carry products. In her creative career, she has had the opportunity to work with a cross-disciplinary approach in the areas of industrial design, graphic design, UI/UX, and product visualization. Linda is passionate about understanding the world through the process of creating. She enjoys learning new tools and techniques to help her ideas be visualized as boldly as possible. Through her personal design work, she aims to thoughtfully create products and experiences that redefine how we view the world. Linda finds inspiration everywhere and enjoys bringing together ideas from disparate contexts to create something new.

Activities for Linda

Speaker | ID Technique Deep Dive | 2022

3D Visualization with Passion and Creativity

In this session, Linda will share her experience transitioning from being an industrial designer to a professional 3D product visualization specialist. The audience will learn the benefits that an industrial design background brings to creating captivating product visuals, as well as how to approach developing passion projects that can open doors to new opportunities.

Linda will share her approach to creating digital imagery that highlights and complements the aesthetic and functional features of products. She will also demonstrate how industrial design intent can be conveyed through visual storytelling and share how embracing evolving digital art techniques and tools can expand one’s creative potential.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why having an Industrial Design background benefits a 3D Visualization career
  • How a 3D Visualization Artist conveys Industrial Design intent through visual storytelling
  • How to approach developing passion projects to open doors to new opportunities