Craig M. Vogel, FIDSA

Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati Craig Vogel is an esteemed Professor Emeritus at the University of Cincinnati’s College of DAAP, School of Design. With an illustrious career spanning over 40 years, Craig Vogel has made significant contributions to the field of Industrial Design through teaching, consulting, writing, and service to IDSA. Craig’s accomplishments include receiving industry awards, such as the Crystal Cabin Award and DMI Value Award, and being recognized as an IDSA Fellow. He served as President of IDSA, co-authored the influential book “Creating Breakthrough Products” and co-founded the Live Well Collaborative, a non-profit organization driving innovation in product and service design.  

Activities for Craig

IDSA Award Winner | Individual Achievement | 2023

According to one of his nominators, “Craig is the rarest of polymaths. His dedication to the role of the IDSA in defining global Design Excellence is unequalled and the breadth of his service exceptional.” Craig continues to give back to Industrial Design education, having established a graduate scholarship in his name at DAAP.    

IDSA Award Winner | Education | 2008
IDSA Award Winner | Fellow
Board of Directors | Chair, President