IDSA 2024-2025 Elections

2025 IDSA Elections

IDSA 2024-2025 Elections

2025 IDSA Elections

We are seeking leaders and innovators to drive IDSA forward. 

eligible voting members, check your email for your voting login credentials

2025 IDSA Elections

IDSA elections are processes through which members vote to select individuals for leadership roles, such as board members or chapter officers, to ensure representative governance throughout the organization. Elections help elect design leaders who will uphold transparency, accountability, and alignment with the IDSA’s mission and values.

Many electable roles have terms that have not yet expired, and with recent IDSA Bylaw revisions, the only electable roles are currently vacant positions on the Board of Directors. If you are considering being elected to the IDSA Board of Directors, below is important information to think about as you consider applying or nominating a colleague for the Board of Directors.

Secretary / Treasurer Candidates

President-Elect Candidate

How to Vote

Current members who are eligible to vote in the election will receive an email to the address associated with their membership that includes their voting user name and password. Please note that these credentials are different from from those associated with your membership.

2026 Elections Cycle Timeline & Information

(cycle timeline subject to change)

October 2025

  • Submit interest to serve on the Elections & Nominations Committee

November 2025

  • Elections & Nominations Committee Chair and Committee members selected

December 2025

  • Applications / Nominations open for vacant Board of Director positions

December 2025 - January 16, 2026

  • Elections and Nominations Committee reviews applications during submission period

Week of January 19, 2026

  • Elections and Nominations Committee selects final candidates for interviews

Week of January 26, 2026

  • Election & Nominations Committee conducts interviews of final candidates

Week of February 2, 2026

  • Candidate slate is finalized and presented to the Board of Directors for member-voting approval

February 9 - February 20, 2026

  • Member voting for Board candidates

Week of February 23, 2026

  • Voting results are announced to the membership and the public

What’s the Difference Between Volunteering on the Board of Directors and a Committee?

The IDSA Board of Directors focuses more on overall organizational strategic oversight, governance, and the direction/ vision for the organization in the next 3-5 years. The Board approves major organizational initiatives and ensure that IDSA makes decisions that protect its overall financial health and sustainability. If you are someone that typically thrives on strategic thinking and big-picture planning, the Board of Directors may be aligned with your volunteer interests. Board members spend most of their time focused on the future of the organization, and are comfortable with tasks that include establishing policies, monitoring organizational performance, and being sure things are on track with the strategic plan. Board volunteer work is less “hands-on” than committee or council work, which is more engaged in the tactical details of achieving annual outcomes and goals.

Committees or task forces execute specific tasks or projects based on the board’s direction and recommended strategies. The Board sets annual goals and objectives for committees and task forces, supporting the tactical work that allows committees and task forces to carrying out the detailed work to achieve annual objectives. If you are someone who likes to be highly engaged and hands-on in the tactical work of the organization, committee, council, or task force volunteer work would be more fulfilling for you.

2025 Board of Director Roles for Election

Secretary/Treasurer of the Board

The Secretary/Treasurer oversees the association’s financials in partnership and supported by the CEO. The Secretary /Treasurer serves as President of the Budget & Finance Committee when necessary. They also audit the monthly balance sheet, P&L, and corporate card transactions for IDSA and the CEO.

  • Term: two-year term. Beginning 2025 and ending December 31, 2026.
  • Required meetings: At least four meetings (two in-person meetings) annually of the Board of Directors; the annual International Design Conference & Education Symposium; Executive Committee Meetings; Conference calls that may require participation.
  • Duties: Reviews and approves financial reports and all related reports as provided by the CEO; Reviews all financial reports for adherence to IDSA policies and procedures; Serves as President of the Budget and Finance Committee; Reviews the annual budget prepared by the CEO; Serves as a signatory for IDSA expenditures over the established policy threshold.
  • Time obligation: Average of 1-3 hours per month plus monthly meetings when necessary.
  • Accountable to: The President of the Board and the IDSA membership.
  • Committees: Serves as a member of the Board of Directors Executive Committee.

At-Large Directors (two vacancies)

The Director at Large is a key member of IDSA’s Board, responsible for contributing strategic guidance and leadership across various organizational initiatives. Directors collaborate with other Board members and officers to achieve the organization’s mission and long-term goals. Their duties include communicating the interests of the membership and other relevance voices to the Board, offering insights on industry trends, contributing to decision-making, and overseeing specific projects or initiatives as assigned by the Board President. This role requires strong leadership, communication, and collaboration skills, with a focus on driving organizational growth and success.

  • Term: Two-year term unless filling an unexpired vacancy.  Limited to two concurrent terms. Beginning 2025 and ending December 31, 2026.
  • Required meetings: Four meetings annually of the Board of Directors (Two in-person meetings per year); the annual International Design Conference & Education Symposium; Conference calls that may require participation; Participation in Board task forces or committees when created by the Board President; Stays informed about IDSA, Board, and industrial design trends and issues.
  • Time obligation: Average of 1-2 hours per month plus any monthly meetings when necessary.
  • Experience: Strong strategic leadership skills, great communicator, and collaboration skills; Ability to engage in, and remain focused on, strategic discussions and visioning for IDSA and the field of industrial design.
  • Accountable to: The President of the Board, the Board of Directors, and the IDSA membership.
  • Committees: As delegated by the President of the Board of Directors.

Application / Nominee Form

Know someone who would be an exceptional leader, or are you inspired to bring your own vision and expertise to the table?  Click here to nominate a candidate or to submit your own application and join the journey of guiding IDSA’s bold mission and impact.

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