2017 IDSA Election Results

Meet the next group of IDSA leaders

photos of Board of Directors from 2017The latest term of IDSA’s Board of Directors is in effect as of May 1, 2017. Megan Neese, IDSA, of Renaul-Nissan Alliance, is now the fourth woman in the 50+ year history of IDSA to hold the position of Board chair. She has served as chair-elect since May 1, 2016. See more in a new video featuring Neese about “What’s Ahead” for the Society. John Barratt, IDSA, of TEAGUE, has served as chair since 2015. He is chair emeritus for the next year.

Three open positions have been filled for the 2017–19 term:

  • David Wynne, IDSAjoins the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee as secretary/treasureroverseeing the Society’s funds and records and ensuring that proper accounting procedures are followed. Wynne is VP finance and strategy at Boxed. Previously, he served as VP operational finance at American Apparel. Wynne earned an MBA from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, a master’s degree in product development from Carnegie Mellon University and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering with minors in industrial design and business, also from CMU.
  • Rebecca Alvord, IDSA, becomes chapter director. She is a senior industrial designer at GE Appliances in Louisville, KY and the co-founder and former chair of the IDSA Kentucky Chapter.
  • Qin Li, IDSA, is continuing as an at-large director, with a special focus on the International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA). The industrial design director at fuseproject in San Francisco earned her BID from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art in China and her MID from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.

The other Board members are:

Three, new District Chapter Representatives now  make up the new Districts Committee, focusing on chapters in their respective Districts:

  • Chris Livaudais, IDSA, served as IDSA BOD South District VP from 2015–17; chair of the IDSA Atlanta Chapter from 2012 to 2015; and treasurer of the IDSA Atlanta Chapter from 2007 to 2011. Now, the associate director of experience and service design with InReality, is West District chapter representative.
  • John McCabe, IDSA, of Aether Learning and SHiFT Design Camp, was named IDSA’s Young Educator of the Year in 2016. He is South District chapter representative.
  • Tony Schmidt, IDSA, is Midwest District chapter representative. Since 2013, the exhibit designer with PGAV Destinations has served in several positions with IDSA’s St. Louis Chapter—education chair; chair and co-vice chair.

In addition, several key changes have been approved in the IDSA Bylaws. “The revisions reflect a significant shift in the Society’s governance strategy—resulting in more fluidity and better alignment with nonprofit best practices,” says Martinage. See how:

  • VPs are now directors (chapter VP to chapter director; section VP to section director; and education VP to education director; two current VPs will hold their titles until their terms end in 2018, then the title will be retired.*).
  • The responsibilities of District vice presidents (DVPs) are shifted from the BOD, to the new Districts Committee, with one focus on chapters. The positions have been renamed District Chapter Representatives.
  • The positions of Board advisors have been added, representing a wide range of disciplines other than industrial design.
  • The BOD term is being realigned according to the calendar year. New terms will be phased in to run from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.

Ending their Board terms are George Daniels, L/IDSA, secretary/treasurer; Jason Belaire, IDSA, West District VP; and Marianne Grisdale, IDSA, Midwest District VP. “IDSA was fortunate to have their contributions at a particularly strategic time for the Society including far-reaching enhancements and improvements to our governance structure, and with outreach and advocacy efforts,” says Martinage.