
2017-2019 Board Elections


The latest election for open positions on IDSA’s Board of Directors runs from March 9 to 24, 2017. Six positions are open for the 2017-2019 term. Each position is followed below by the candidate(s) vying for each position:

  • Secretary/Treasurer: David Wynne, IDSA
  • At-Large Director: Qin Li, IDSA
  • Chapter Director: Rebecca Alvord, IDSA
  • Midwest District Chapter Representative: Tony Schmidt, IDSA
  • South District Chapter Representative: John McCabe, IDSA; Jeff Smith, IDSA
  • West District Chapter Representative: Chris Livaudais, IDSA

Additionally, this year, IDSA members are asked to vote on a series of important Bylaws changes. All professional members in good standing who are eligible to vote are being sent electronic voting instructions. For more information on the positions, candidates and bylaws, click here.