2015 Future of Design Leadership Panel

IDSA’s first Future of Design Leadership Panel, held at the 2015 International Conference in Seattle, is making headlines. IDSA Member Thomas Lockwood moderated the panel that included chief design officers (CDOs) representing corporations with hundreds of billions of dollars in revenues: Philips, Intuit, Microsoft, PepsiCo, 3M, Johnson & Johnson and REI.  Along with leaders from Design Management Institute and Whipsaw, the speakers tackled challenging questions about their climb to the top, and where they believe design is headed. 3M, a new IDSA Ambassador, was represented by CDO Eric Quint, IDSA. “Once a designer, always a designer.”  IDSA Fellow Steve Kaneko, on deck for Microsoft Design, found that “at the end of the day… design touches people.”

Watch the full-length IDSA video, or catch the highlights below: