Hugh Dubberly
Dubberly Design Office
Since 2000, Hugh Dubberly has been a partner in Dubberly Design Office, a San Francisco information, interaction and service design consultancy. At Apple Computer in the late 1980s, Dubberly managed graphic design and corporate identity and created the technology-forecast film Knowledge Navigator, presaging the Internet and interaction via mobile devices.
At Netscape, he became vice president of design with responsibility for web presence. Dubberly has taught design courses at San Jose State University, Art Center College of Design, Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford University, IIT/ID, Northeastern University and California College of Art. He edited a column “On Modeling” for the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)’s journal, Interactions. Last year, Dubberly was elected to the ACM Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) Academy.
How the Internet of Things is Changing (and will Change) Healthcare Product Development
In the information revolution, healthcare adoption tends to lag behind other industries. Now, as a new revolution approaches, medical device makers and pharmaceutical companies are beginning to pilot projects with smart, connected devices. This trend signals huge changes in the nature of medical devices—and changes the way they are designed, developed, tested, approved and deployed.
Hugh Dubberly and Stephen Wilcox, PhD, find that a new generation of HCPs (and patients) are beginning to expect devices to connect. Instead, products must now be seen as members of complex product-service ecologies. Data collection, integration, analysis, prediction and visualization are becoming core competencies. The impact on designers goes far beyond graphical user interfaces and app development. Designers must now think in terms of systems and platforms.