- 2005
Client: KOMPTECH, Austria
The TOPTURN X is a self-propelled turning machine for composting biogenic waste. The design innovation is particularly obvious in the attention to user needs. For instance, its ergonomic cabin offers 360 degrees of visibility and is easily accessible without climbing any ladders: you enter directly from the ground through the front windshield, which also serves as a frameless door. For transport, the machine folds into a compact form that easily fits on a flat bed trailer and does not require a special permit.
The TOPTURN X achieves a significantly higher compost quality than the traditional flat rick composting method and, with its high turning capacity and compact space needs, provides an efficient solution for domestic as well as garden-waste composting plants.
“Heavy machines can be graceful, intelligent and ergonomically correct. The Topturn Compost Turner goes beyond. It’s extremely elegant and the idea to lower the cabin to the ground so that the operator may enter and then swivel back to the top, allowing an overview of 360ยบ, is fantastic. This operation could be performed in any local theater with success!” -Celso Santos, I/IDSA, President, Rio 21 Design
Contact: Gerhard Heufler,
heufler design, Austria,
+43 316 672258,
[email protected]
Credit: heufler design, Austria